Every year I watch the White Rock marathon, and more often than not it inspires me to run it myself. And then I get hurt. Since I don't run, it happens pretty quickly after I decide to do this.
To backtrack, I have run the marathon before. Back before the dawn of time, er, iPods - just to give you an idea of how long ago this was. Yep, I ran 26.2 miles with a damn fanny pack on, holding four mixed tapes I made to run to. And immediately after I started running, the tapes unwound and I was stuck listening to the damn radio for four and a half hours. So I completed the race, checked "marathon" off my bucket list, and promptly hung up my running shoes. No runner's high for this gal. Planned never to run again unless I was being chased.
Until late 2009. I had been fired and was pretty bored and bummed out. Watched the adorable American (well, technically born in Africa, but now an American citizen) win the NYC Marathon, and decided to run it again. Mind you, this was November 1. I had 6 weeks to train. Sure. So I started running (at least, on the weekends. I really hate running!). 9 miles. 12 miles. 18 miles. And then my hip got all jacked up. Yep, early 30s. Hip problems. Sigh. So I decided to just run the half. Which still wasn't exactly a cakewalk. But I think my body was like UM NO on the 26 miles. Ain't happening.
And here we are again. Got inspired to run the half again. Ran 6 last week and didn't want to die. Upped it to 9 yesteday. Didn't want to die. Until about an hour afterwards when my hip started to ache. And now I'm limping. Just not sure it's worth it. But I do like the medals for finishers...I know, I know - "my precious." So not sure what I'm going to do. Have until March to decide...it's all fun and games until I need a hip replacement at age 35. Stay tuned.