Tuesday, January 26, 2021

Josh Gad = God

I may be late to the party here, but I came across Josh Gad's "Reunited Apart" series on YouTube last night. He (virtually) brings together the casts of classic movies (mostly from the 80s), has them recite lines and tell behind the scenes stories. I watched Goonies (featuring Steven Spielberg!!), Ferris Bueller (Ben Stein!!), and some of Ghostbusters (Sigourney!!). Plan on knocking out Splash and Back to the Future next. Soooooo good.

Friday, January 22, 2021

Slight sliver lining

This week has been nuts, trying to juggle the kids and my mom and some semblance of work...but I lost 3 pounds, so there's that. 

Tuesday, January 19, 2021

Mom of the year

My mom had ankle surgery on Friday and is pretty much bedridden for two weeks (and then won't be able to drive for 10 weeks after that). We are doing okay, but it's showing me how life would be if I was truly a single mom on my own. Basically it would be a lot of TV (holy Peppa Pig) and frozen chicken nugget dinners. And honestly? I'm fine with that.

Wednesday, January 13, 2021

New year, new ulcer

I have been so stressed out at work the last two weeks, I feel nauseous all of the time. I have almost up and quit several times (I realize that is a foolish move, but desperate times...), and honestly a job at Home Depot sounds good right about now. Something where I don't bring my work home, and the stress level is manageable. (I'm sure I could find things to stress about at Home Depot, don't worry)
But of course mama has to bring home the bacon, which adds to the stress. Feeling trapped in a job because you have to put food on the table is not the best feeling, but I know right now I'm lucky to even be employed. See? All over the place. This blog post alone has taken a year off my life. :)

Tuesday, January 12, 2021

7 hours. But who's counting.

Georgie started a new little school today, just Tuesdays and Thursdays. But they go 8:30-3:30!! She usually goes like 9-1. It's sooooo long. (Yes, I realize that's how long "normal" school is. But she's 3!) I want to call to check on her, but I also don't want to be THAT mom. Ask me again in an hour.

Monday, January 11, 2021

Guardian Angels!!

My mom was driving back from Austin yesterday, and her car skidded in the snow and hit the median on 35. She spun completely around, hitting the median again. Somehow she did not hit anyone else AND is completely fine. She was even able to drive her car back to Dallas (about a mile from home, her timing belt gave out, so we had to go pick her up). Longest day ever - but so glad she's okay!!

Wednesday, January 6, 2021

It me


Seriously. This is me every day.

Monday, January 4, 2021

The struggle is real

Bought myself the gift of Botox, but debating on when I should get it done - not like I'm going anywhere at the moment! Perhaps it will be a double-shot: vaccine and poison in the face...