Those 10 weeks went fast...I bawled all day Sunday but luckily yesterday went by really fast and I didn't even have time to miss the kiddos. My mom took Beau to his first day of daycare and they loved him. He's a little round smiley meatball, so what's not to love? (Seriously - at his 2 month appointment he weighed 14.5 pounds, putting him 93% for weight and only 50% for height. Oof)
He is only going to go once a week for a while since he's so "little" (aka young), and in the fall will go to the same place as Georgie. We also found a nice lady to come three times a week for a few hours in the afternoon to help wrangle so my mom can fix dinner and have a break (aka wine). Two kids is no joke - help is needed and appreciated - but we are making it work. G is a little aggressive towards the baby at times, but I think part of that is just "being 2." Hopefully not "being a sociopath."
Will try to get back into the blogging habit - lots of content these days!!