Friday, January 31, 2020


Had a close call with mastitis yesterday - at the very least one of my milk ducts was terribly clogged. INSANE amount of pain. But today it feels much better. I read a lot of advice online, including alternating heat/cold and massage, but the one I couldn't bring myself to do was put the baby on the ground and "dangle " my boob into his mouth to feed him. (apparently the gravity is supposed to help) As if I didn't already feel enough like a cow...

Thursday, January 30, 2020


Apparently this is the last day of PlayStation Vue, so we will now be moving on to YouTube TV and Philo. My poor mom just figured out how to use Vue so we have to start all over. She misses the days of getting up and changing the channel, I think. And then there's Georgie, who at 2 requests "YouTune" on the daily. (That's her source of Peppa Pig and Daniel Tiger, obvi)

Wednesday, January 29, 2020

You know you're a parent when

You show up to work with a dried booger on your shirt and really no idea who it belonged to.

Tuesday, January 28, 2020

Back to the grind

Those 10 weeks went fast...I bawled all day Sunday but luckily yesterday went by really fast and I didn't even have time to miss the kiddos. My mom took Beau to his first day of daycare and they loved him. He's a little round smiley meatball, so what's not to love? (Seriously - at his 2 month appointment he weighed 14.5 pounds, putting him 93% for weight and only 50% for height. Oof)
He is only going to go once a week for a while since he's so "little" (aka young), and in the fall will go to the same place as Georgie. We also found a nice lady to come three times a week for a few hours in the afternoon to help wrangle so my mom can fix dinner and have a break (aka wine). Two kids is no joke - help is needed and appreciated - but we are making it work. G is a little aggressive towards the baby at times, but I think part of that is just "being 2." Hopefully not "being a sociopath."

Will try to get back into the blogging habit - lots of content these days!!

Thursday, January 16, 2020

Do you want to build a snowman?

This has been the maternity leave sponsored by Frozen. We literally watch it every day.

Some takeaways:
  • it has taught Georgie big words like "coronation"
  • it has taught Georgie not so nice things, like calling people "monster!" and saying "don't touch me" (EYEROLL EMOJI)
  • we now own about 18 olafs and a variety of other Frozen crap
  • thanks to Spotify, we play the songs from the movie every time we are in the car (bonus: obsessed with Lost in the Woods from the second movie...see below)
  • Georgie went to her first movie in the theater - Frozen 2 - and we waited so long to see it that we were the only people in there. Which allowed G to run rampant around the place, and now I fear she will think that's how movies always are (FACE PALM EMOJI)
  • Still, am able to sit through the movie every night and not want to poke my eyes out. Kudos Disney peeps.