Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Cancun log, day 2

Day two proved to be the hottest, with very little cloud cover. This made ME happy, but not sure how psyched Jill and Jade were about that. (Thank god for hats.) In fact, by 9am it was so hot that we had to move our lounge chairs into the pool. Genius.

We lounged by the pool for most of the morning, interrupted briefly by an Argentinian guy who waded over with a drink for me. Note: all these drinks are free, so it's not technically like he BOUGHT me a drink. More like BROUGHT me a drink. He asks where I'm from, I say Texas, he says he's from Argentina but speaks "poquito English." Sweet. So there's an awkward pause and he swims away, giving me time to see his redonkulously hairy back. Bueno. But we kept running into him (see yesterday's post) - doing a Michael Jackson dance in the lobby, coming in and out of the elevator - which involved an awkward side hug on my part and a deep "Hola, que tal." from him. Hilarious.

The hotel staff were all ABOUT some cheesy pool games, all day, every day. Complete with whistles and dance tunes, they involved everything from drinking games to dance lessons to...water aerobics? We never participated, but it sure was entertaining to watch.

We moved to the beach that afternoon, and ogled a Prince Harry lookalike (one of three roaming around - weird) playing beach volleyball. How very Top Gun. Debated whether the two cute boys lounging behind us were gay or straight - I voted for straight, but they WERE laying out together, so who knows - and continued the frozen beverage fiesta.

After attempting to shower off the sand (which I am STILL finding between my toes, btw), we headed downstairs for dinner. They have three restaurants for dinner (Asian, steakhouse, and Mexican), but you have to make reservations that morning, which we forgot to do. So we tried to lie our way in. Got turned away by the steakhouse and the Mexican place, but hit paydirt Asia-style. I was adamant that we had a reservation, and the guy took pity on us and we got a table. The food really wasn't that great or worth all the hassle, but it was something different than the buffet (um, although technically it WAS a buffet), so...

The waiter asked me if we wanted some Mexican sake. Being just that naive, I said sure. Yep - "Mexican sake" is tequila. And man did it BURN.

After dinner we headed out to the porch with another round of bevs that tasted a lot like baby aspirin. Mmmm. Which is where we ran into Douche. After dark. (Or D.A.D.) Turns out his accent is NOT attractive. Neither was he, of course. After getting what had to be a hooker to take our picture, we were ready to turn in. Had to get up early to save seats, dammit!

Up tomorrow: blanca y grande, touristy shmouristy, and our own private island.

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