A guy I used to work with, Hal*, was kind of a nightmare. A big, bulging guy, he even got arrested once AT WORK for domestic violence. (He married the accuser like a week later - they are now divorced.) He left the company before I did, but soon after I started hearing from a mutual friend that he was badmouthing me all over town, calling me a "bitch" and that he hated me, blah blah. Um, I honestly do not recall ever talking to him. Ever. My feelings were a little hurt, because it's not fun to be hated, but who cares. He's a douche.
Cut to last month, when I randomly received a Facebook friend request from him. Confused - would he start writing mean things on my wall?-I begrudgingly accepted. He even "liked" one of my posts. So I thought whatever ill will he had towards me must be water under the bridge.
Until this morning. The same mutual friend ran into him at a bar over the weekend, and mentioned that we were FB friends. He said something like, "So Sarah and I are Facebook friends. So be it. She wouldn't give me the time of day, anyhow." Um what?? So I took matters into my own hands and sent him a FB message this morning. Told him I didn't know what I had ever done to him, but if he insisted on continuing to talk sh*t about me, then please de-friend me because it's just not worth it.
He wrote right back, apologizing and saying his "badmouthing" was misconstrued (mmm-kay). That he had been mad at me 2 or 3 years ago for telling him the food at an event was actually for the GUESTS, not for the staff. And this was the grudge he had held ever since. Still doesn't explain why he thinks I'm too good to talk to him, except for the fact that he's right. I am. So there. :p
*All names have been changed.