Friday, December 17, 2010

Possible dates for Diane

I am at once entertained and horrified at the sheer volume of bobbleheads out there. Of course you've got your athletes, your politicians (Joe Biden? alrighty), even your Jesus and Pope bobbleheads for the religious among you. But for little Diane, I think she needs someone a bit more...attainable. Take your pick, mmm-kay?


  1. Don't set her up with a date until she's met my friend. He's perfect for her (actually you might try to steal him away) ;)

  2. Please tell me it's Dwight Schrute. (And yes, I would steal it.)

  3. Sorry, not Dwight Schrute, although he'd be a near perfect match for Diane. My friend is very manly and athletic, but not quite the brilliant conversationalist that Mr. Schrute is. You could say he is the strong silent type. ;)
