Thursday, July 21, 2011

A girl could get used to this.

Dog- and house-sitting until Sunday, and there are so many benefits: house with a pool. Cute pups to snuggle. Pretending like I could ever afford to live in a house. But the best: MOVIE CHANNELS. Yes, my previous cable provider gave me three months of free Showtime for my years of patronage, but this is something much, much better. There are like 50 channels of movies to choose from. In the past 12 hours, I have managed to watch The Bounty Hunter (meh), Toy Story 3 (um, I cried) and Annie (yay!). Needless to say, I am VERY excited about my Saturday night movie-thon. Long live HBO.


  1. I think what you meant to say was "PARTY THIS SATURDAY NIGHT!!!" ;)

  2. Haha it WAS quite the party pad in high school...
