Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Why are the cutest things the most impractical. (And I'm not talking about boys)

Almost bought myself a car over Thanksgiving. And yes, this was before I got home to a dead battery in my current car. My stepmom's father is selling his 1986 little red Alfa Romeo that only has 61,000 miles on it. It is seriously about the cutest thing I've ever seen. Brown leather seats. Stick shift. Cassette player. (Hey - I've been looking for a way to play all my old mixed tapes...) Literally no back seat. It is tiny. And nearly impossible to get the top back up by myself. And my hair was a disastro. (Which is my random lingo for a disaster.) But did I mention how cute it was?? I could use it as my "tooling around town" car. Not that I ever really tool around town. But maybe that's because I didn't have a car for it. Regardless, I was too afraid of what might happen to it if I drove it back to Texas, so it remains in Florida. But oh the cuteness.

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