Thursday, May 13, 2010

Talk about your most embarassing moment...

So yesterday we had a press conference with the governor. Standing behind him for like an hour were six students who had received internships/scholarships. I had a sinking feeling someone would pass out - why they weren't allowed to sit, I'll never know - and sure enough, as the governor is talking, one poor girl takes a few steps forward, and then faints to the ground. She was out for probably a minute, but it felt like five, and the governor knelt down and was right in her face when she came to. Poor thing almost started crying, she was so embarassed.

And yet the press conference went on. I had been standing for about two hours at that point, and MY legs started to feel shaky. I was willing myself not to black out - how freaking ridiculous would THAT have been? And luckily I managed to keep it together.

I have only passed out once - age 6 - when my mom was pulling my hair too tight. But at least there were no TV cameras around to capture the moment, which is what happened to that poor girl yesterday. Maybe the stations will give her a copy of the DVD for posterity.


  1. way to blame your mom! & did I ever show you that you tube where the news guy says "gone!" and then passes out?? sad, but hilarious :)

  2. oh yes - i LOVED that! (and it's totally my mom's fault. I told her "I don't feel so good," and she said "Let me just finish this braid" and I blacked out. I'm sure she will comment on this shortly.)


  3. That's ok, I passed out while in my brother's wedding when I was 12. Up on the altar about 30 seconds prior to "I do".
