Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Twitter? Twit is more like it

I really don't understand Twitter. I'm on it for work and can post things, but why people are following me I have no idea. I have nothing interesting to say and "tweet" MAYBE once a day. More like once a week. Of course I follow Lindsay Lohan and Rachel Zoe and Sean May (former UNC baller, now NBA, for those not in the know), and have even tried "replying" to their tweets - which is super awkward and embarassing for some reason. As IF I'm friends with Rachel Zoe. But I'll tell her "I die!" when she posts a pic of herself in Cannes or some crap.

Luckily none of my friends are on it - we're just getting the hang of Facebook over here - so I don't feel the need to get more Twit-tastic than I already am. But the fact that people like Hugh Hefner and Katie Couric are tweeting makes me feel like I'm missing the boat. Argh. I'm just going to assume that Hef has no idea how to use Twitter and his PR people are running it for him. Yeah, that's the ticket.


  1. Speaking of ex-UNC b-ballers: Vince Carter is rockin' the house for the Magic in the NBA playoffs.

  2. um, hello, i'm on it. i never use it though :)

  3. ooh i'll friend you, kel. look out twitter.
