Thursday, March 3, 2011

Remind me not to go to BYU

They kicked a player off the basketball team for having sex with his girlfriend. (Apparently it goes against the honor code. Not the bro code, though.) That seems particularly harsh for a college kid. Although not being Mormon myself, maybe I just don't understand. But aren't Mormons infamous for having a bunch of kids? So maybe this guy was just getting started early...

Apparently they also must abstain from other traditional college activities like drinking alcohol, drinking coffee (wtf) and smoking in an attempt to "live a chaste and virtuous life." Um, PASS.

But looking at the big picture, that should move UNC up in the rankings, so thank you, guy, for succumbing to your manly needs. (Sidebar: what happens to the girlfriend? Expelled? Sheesh.)


  1. yes. apparently his expulsion is on the table. i feel so conflicted about this. i mean, they're terrible rules, but he knew them going in, even if he wasn't a mormon, so did he just expect to get away with it? what a dumbass.

  2. I can't believe he fessed up. I would have waited until after the tourney. But then again, I'm a sinner.

  3. i originally thought she must be pregnant, or else how could it be proven ...?
