Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Movin' on up (no place else to go from here)

After 6(!) years in my current apartment, I think I'm finally moving. I pay so little for living where I do that it's been tough to bite the bullet and move, but it's not exactly the Trump Tower...

I have to get quarters every week for the washer and dryer - and let me tell you, quarters are hard to find. Especially when you need 10. Which is why I don't separate my whites and my darks. One load, DONE. Classy. (Also why I don't buy red socks. Well, there are a few reasons why I don't buy red socks.)

I also don't have a dishwasher. Which isn't that big of a deal as a single girl who uses plastic dishes (developed a fear of china - the dishware, not the country - after I broke a ceramic dish and it sliced my leg and I got 9 stitches), but still. Would be nice.

And don't get me started on the window A/C units. Which absolutely don't cut it during the 105-degree Dallas summers. Right around May 15 I just resign myself to the fact that I will be sweating from the minute I wake up to the minute I go to sleep. And then throughout the night as well. So basically constantly sweating until October. Pretty girl!

As you can see, it's probably high time I got the F out of there. There are 10 units in the complex, and I have officially become the person who has lived there the longest. Which is NOT something to be proud of.

It's been fun (ish), but methinks it's time to put on my big girl pants and live in a big girl apartment. (What- you thought I was being an adult and buying a HOUSE? Baby steps, people.)

1 comment:

  1. Think of the blog material that home ownership would provide.
