Monday, August 27, 2012


On Friday while driving home from work, one of my back seat windows "died," and rolled all the way down below the rubber lining. (yes, I'm sure there are more automotive words for everything I just said, but hopefully you understood the gist.) I tried every Macgyver move I could think of to pull it back up - my fingers were too fat, the wrench (yes I own a wrench) couldn't get a good I went with my last possible option: duct taping a garbage bag over it. (I failed to mention that of course it rained all weekend, and when it wasn't raining it was in the 90s - neither situation ideal to have a window completely open.)

So off I go to the dealership this morning, in the hopes that they can salvage my poor window. It's so mortifying to drive with a garbage bag on the window, but I guess it's not the worst thing I've ever driven. Sad but true.


  1. PLIERS! I meant pliers. Not a wrench. (But I do own a wrench.)

  2. Hahahahahaha! But the best was the title-less Sentra with temporary plates that went on for at least two years! We are NOT what we drive.
