Thursday, February 20, 2020

Why does it always have to be the car

Georgie has had three major barfs in her young life, and all of them have taken place in the car. Once in my mom's and twice in mine. And it's pretty terrible.

1. She starts crying and choking and I have to find someplace to safely pull over so I can get out and clean her up/comfort her.
2. Yesterday she was looking at my phone at the time, so she barfed on my phone as well.
3. The car seat is a beat down to get in and out on a good day, so add in that it's covered in puke and stinks to high's also a total beat down to clean. I had to bust out the Q-tips yesterday.
4. The car stinks for quite some time afterwards as well. And it's a little cold to drive with the windows down.

She did also puke on me and then all over the bathroom yesterday - but then was fine. I'm proud that my own gag reflex seems to be under control, as I normally probably would have thrown up too. So all in all, yay parenthood!

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