Tuesday, April 20, 2010

15-year high school reunion. Pardon?

How is it possible that I graduated from high school 15 years ago? It seriously feels like maybe 5. Although the wrinkles on my face tell a different story. With the reunion coming up this weekend, I give you Top Ten Things That Were Cool Way Back in 1995.

10. Car phones. The kind that were screwed onto your armrest and actually had a phone cord.
9. My So-Called Life/Beverly Hills 90210/Melrose Place. Odd that two of these are back on the air, albeit with entirely different casts. Or that the special guest stars who were on the original shows are now the "old" people. Thanks for that.
8. The workout phenomenon known as the "slide." Like speed skating on a little plastic mat with booties over your shoes. Look it up.
7. Hootie and the Blowfish. Enough said.
6. The Lion King. Which was technically 1994, but our senior t-shirts said "Hakuna Matata," so it still counts.
5. Supermodels. (Claudia. Cindy. Naomi. Etc.)
4. Belly shirts. Sad but true.
3. TLC. (RIP Left Eye)
2. Alicia Silverstone in every Aerosmith video.
1. Preston Royal 7-11. Or was that just me?

Enjoy the flashbacks. See you at the 20-year. (Ugh)


  1. THIS IS MY 20th YEAR thank you. :P

  2. I think I missed the Belly shirts....thankfully.

  3. What about shoulder pads? On steroids. ith EVERYTHING. We even stuck them under bra straps. Don't try this at home...
