Friday, August 6, 2010

3D mania

Step Up 3D comes out today. Why god why. Not necessary to see people dancing in 3D. Particularly the random people they got to be in the third installment of this movie. If I'm going to dork out and wear the glasses, it better be GOOD. Examples of movies I would LIKE to see in 3D:

-Top Gun. Particularly the beach volleyball scene.
-Any Muppet movie. Because they're awesome.
-Titanic. Admit it - it would be pretty cool.
-Independence Day/Armageddon. See above.

Having some trouble coming up with more. Because 3D movies SUCK. Ha.


  1. you do realize titanic 3d comes out next year....

  2. WHAT. i did not know that. you can get it for me as a gift. xo
