Friday, November 15, 2019

Long live "innaj"

All of a sudden my kid is talking like a kid, not like a baby. She says "butterfly" not "bulla." She says "elephant" not "ellie" or "elliship." She says "ladybug" not "bugga." Thank goodness she still says "innaj" instead of "orange." Let's keep it that way, shall we?

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Slacking off

Yeesh haven't written in almost a week - that's how insane work has been! Every day I hope my water breaks so I don't have to come in - you know it's bad when the idea of dealing with a newborn and a toddler sounds like a vacation!

And yet, still no baby. Humph.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Pregnancy: so glamorous

Went for my weekly check-in with the doctor today, and my blood pressure was higher than they'd like. After testing in two more times I was sent downstairs to triage (sounds so fancy/scary!) where I then had to put on a gown and get hooked up to all kinds of monitors for a few hours. Everything is fine - but I have to pee into a damn jug for the next 24 hours. Like lug this thing around the office. And it's so big I have to stand up to pee. (TMI? sorry not sorry)

So tragic.

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

We don't even have Froot Loops in the house!

Reading to Georgie last night, and there was a picture of a toucan. I pointed out the "birdie" and Georgie said, "No. Toucan." Alllllrighty then.


Monday, November 4, 2019

Rice rice baby

Y'all I keep buying rice at the grocery store. Basmati rice. I bought a bag last weekend and then again this weekend. Plus there were already TWO MORE in the pantry. I guess chalk it up to pregnancy brain or an overwhelming craving for white rice (wouldn't put either past me), but Jesus take the wheel!

Currently Googling "rice recipes"...