Monday, October 8, 2018


Got up early (okay, normal time) on Sunday to make it to church at 9 for the baby music class. (We usually make it to the 11:00 service, barely). We got there at 9 on the dot and they were providing flu shots so my mom stayed back to get hers and I went to the room where the music class was held over the summer. Not in there. No one around to ask - I finally did and the woman said she thought it was upstairs in the school building. Not wanting to lose my mom, we went back to the gym and waited for her to get her flu shot and then headed upstairs. I heard singing, but nope - children's choir. Big kids. We headed back downstairs, asked someone else who didn't know, and finally learned where the class was, but by now it was 9:15 and the class was almost over. So we dropped Georgie at the nursery (where she instantly started crying) and headed to 9:30 church. I ended up seeing friends from high school, so it was fun, but LORD. Not sure it was worth all that effort! #doigetbonuspointsinheaven

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