Wednesday, February 16, 2011

More online dating tips for dudes (from someone who knows)

Do not send a girl an email that simply says "You interested in me." First of all, it's a question, not a statement. And don't get me started on the grammatical errors...

Do not email a girl (or at least THIS girl) if you are technically still married. That's creepy and wrong. PASS.

I put an age range in place for a reason. If you're 55, I'm gonna have to say no. (But my mom is cute and available...)

And a note to eharm: please don't match me with a guy who loves to dance so much that one of his photos is from some sort of dance COMPETITION. I mean good for you, buddy. But I don't cha-cha and probably never will.


  1. is that your first spam comment just above this one? AWESOME!!! Anyway have you tried "super-harmony" dating? I think there might be someone on there for you.
