Friday, February 25, 2011

Say what?

There are a few songs out there which have much more "adult" meanings that I sadly didn't understand until much, much later.

Exhibit A: "O.P.P." Do y'all KNOW what that song is about. I think I only figured it out when I saw the lyrics once. Wow. I started randomly humming it yesterday because a story I wrote for work had the abbreviation BAP, and that's what we were calling it. So I responded to someone "yeah, you know me!" And couldn't get the damn song out of my head for about an hour. Also reminded me of my high school years working at the Chili's Preston-LBJ (shout-out), where the abbreviation for the classic cheeseburger (Old-timer with cheese) was, obvi, OTC. So Kelly and I would order them and HAD to follow up with a "yeah, you know me!" Anyway. I digress.

Exhibit B: Is it wrong that until like last week, when I saw the video on Totally 80s on VH1 Classic, I thought the Pointer Sisters' classic, "I'm So Excited" was merely about, you know, looking forward to something? Then I saw the slutty sisters in action and realized it was the OTHER kind of excited. Damn. That's like a 25-year bubble of naivete that just burst, people. But maybe I'm not alone in this - are we to believe that the Saved By the Bell girls would have done their classic "I'm So Excited" dance routine (in which Jessie Spano gets hooked on speed-AWESOME), having known it's true meaning? Perhaps. It WAS the 80s.