Tuesday, July 19, 2016

Bachelorette recap: You CAN go home again

Four hometown dates, four very similar looking dudes, four tiny shorts for JoJo to wear!
We start in Highlands Ranch, Colorado to meet Chase and his family. Chase is nervous about his parents' ugly divorce, but JoJo is cool with it and they meet his father and later his mom/stepfather/sister/brother-in-law/and cute baby nephew with a mustache pacifier. (YES!) I like Chase, but just don't feel like he's in the same place with JoJo as the other guys. Guess we shall see.

Next up: Chico, California with Jordan (NOT AARON) Rodgers. JoJo brings Aaron's name up to everyone - Jordan, Jordan's brother Luke, Jordan's father - it's getting a bit sad at this point. We know you want to be famous. Give it up. Still think there's something odd in the brothers' relationship, but maybe they're just jealous. Jordan's mom can tell he's all lit up inside, and the idea of an engagement excites her.

On to Florida to meet Robby's family - complete with two sisters and two brothers. Everyone loves JoJo, but she's concerned about how recently he broke up with his ex - is he ready to get engaged? Then Robby learns that his ex's roommate has been telling the tabloids that he dumped his ex to go on the show. He is very upset by this, and tells JoJo that it's 100% not true. She looks dubious as she downs her chardonnay.

Finally, we head to Burnet, Texas with Luke, and he has gathered the entire town 50 of his closest friends and family to celebrate and meet his woman. JoJo arrives wearing the cowboy boots he brought her, and it's a very sweet Texas day. Luke and his father have a teary chat which is adorable, and at the end of the day Luke walks her down a lit path to a heart made of flowers where he intends to tell her he loves her but instead says "you have my heart."

Clearly this isn't quite good enough, because at the rose ceremony JoJo is distraught but tells the camera she is going to let Luke go. Luke must sense the force, asking to talk to her outside and telling her he's in love. PHEW! That was a close one. But this news sets JoJo on a tailspin and she crouches on the ground of a private airport runway in a long blue sequin gown. Where the heck is Chris Harrison? He can't give her a chair? Or a hanky?

To Be Continued!!!

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