Thursday, June 13, 2019

Crazy cat lady

I parked my rental car out front on Tuesday night since I didn't bring my garage door opener. On the drive to work yesterday morning, I kept hearing what sounded like a cat meowing. Cruising down the highway, I figured I was crazy and it was either a noise the rental car was making or it was coming from someone else's car. But when I pulled into work, the meowing got even louder and I realized there was a cat under the hood. What in the HELL. By the time I got people out to help me, it had bolted inside the Mazda parked next to me (so we named it "Mazda"). After trying to lure it out with milk, water and Chipotle, someone finally called animal control and he was able to spook it out and grab it. It was a tiny little kitten - probably no more than a month old!!! So now Mazda is getting checked out at the animal shelter, and I'm sure one of the girls who helped get it out will adopt him/her. But holy crap the little thing cruised 25 miles with me and lived to tell the tale (tail). I feel like I should adopt a cat as penance.  Meow.

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