Tuesday, June 11, 2019

Day from HELL

So I had to be at a work thing at 7:30am. Called Georgie's school before I left - no power, so no school. My mom has been super sick since Saturday and I insisted she go to the doctor. She got an appointment for 3, so I told her I would work from home after MY doctor's appointment at 1 (forgetting of course that we still don't have internet access so that was a total wash).
Got to work after the event at 10am and my car was being super sketchy. Took it in last week and the technician said nothing was wrong with it. Well, yes there is. Transmission light. Service engine light. Horrible shaking. So I called another dealership and the guy told me to bring it in RIGHT AWAY, do not pass go. So I was in the office for a whopping hour and drove to the dealership with bated breath - please don't die, little car. Got there, they thankfully had a loaner car for me, and made it to my doctor with 3 minutes to spare. Then home to no internet and a billion work emails. So now I'm at Starbucks where they thankfully have wifi trying to keep my job and my shit together.


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