Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Dog days of fall.

So I'm dog-sitting for a friend, and Ace is staying with me for 11 days. 11! 4 down, 7 to go. But who's counting. (I am.) Ace is sweet, but he's much bigger than Charlie (like 50 pounds), which unfortunately means his poops are much bigger than Charlie (like 10 pounds). It's all I can do to pick it up. Which leaves me wondering - if it's not my dog, do I have to pick up his poop? (Answer: duh. But it's so gross guys!!)

Plus, he eats all of Charlie's food, drinks her water and destroys her toys. If she starves to death over these 11 days, I will not be amused.

The only solace? I'm making my friend keep Charlie for 10 days while I'm in Europe. She better get to eat, dammit.

#wasthinkingaboutgettinganotherdog #notanymore

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