Friday, September 7, 2012

Spin Doctor

I finally sucked it up and took a spin class on Monday. Wanted to see what all the hype was about. And I have to say: meh. I found it to be super boring. Yes, I sweated my a** off, but could we not find some better scenery than the person's back in front of me? Yawn. Plus the fact that the same people go every day (dear god, no thank you), so they get wary of anyone they don't know. I was afraid of stealing someone's bike, so I squished myself into the very back corner where I couldn't have gotten out even if I had wanted to. And I DID want to. Oddly enough I don't find the elliptical or treadmill boring. I guess because I can read a magazine, watch tv, SOMETHING other than stare at the clock in utter shock that only 8 minutes have gone by. Sorry spinners. I'm spent. (see what I did there?)

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