Monday, April 28, 2014

From Aw to Oh No

There are two little lhasa apsos that live in my building, and every time I walk Charlie they bark and bark at her and she barks back. It's kind of adorable because they really seem like they're having a conversation. But the adorable-ness came to a halt yesterday when their owner, a girl probably my age or younger, emerged yelling at them and beat them both with a giant folded-up newspaper. Hard. Hard enough for me to hear it down on the street. And this happened both times I walked Charlie past the apartment. I sort of felt like I was in a Lifetime TV movie, watching animal abuse happen. I know it wasn't that bad, but I certainly wouldn't hit my dog with a newspaper. Makes me wonder if, rather than having a conversation, maybe the lhasas are crying out for help. Boo.

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