Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Hello caller - you're on the air!

I've started listening to Today Show Radio and Entertainment Weekly Radio in the mornings on SiriusXM. This morning, EW was talking about Back to the Future and Huey Lewis' "Power of Love." I decided to call in because I had a funny story about that song. I have tried calling in to radio stations in the past, of course, but have never gotten through. Not once. Until today. The phone rang and a girl picked up, asking my name and where I was from. Then she asked what my comment was, and told me to hold on. I could hear the hosts talking, taking other calls, and I started breathing fast. Why I was nervous, I have no idea. I really just didn't want to stutter or forget what I was saying.

Then I heard, "Now let's hear from Sarah in Dallas - she has a funny wedding story about Power of Love?" And I told my story about how, at my brother's wedding, they had a friend stand up and do a reading of that song and the entire crowd started laughing when we realized what was happening, The hosts loved my story and said thank you and I hung up. And then, thanks to the 7-second delay, I heard myself on the radio! Crazy stuff. And kind of a rush. Not gonna lie.


1 comment:

  1. Love it!! I've never called any radio program, I get nervous just by thinking about doing it, so that's great! :)
