Friday, October 15, 2010

As if driving wasn't already dangerous enough...

Yesterday was gorgeous weather, so I rolled down the windows on the drive home. Eventually I felt something on my shoulder, and looked down to find a FREAKING BEE on me. How in the world did a bee keep up with me going 65 down Central Expressway? Was it Superbee?
I freaked out and nearly swerved into the next lane as I flung him off me. Somehow only came away with a mosquito bite on my ankle, which is still a little bizarro. But I guess better than a bee sting. RIP little guy.

1 comment:

  1. I guess beautiful October weather can be hazardous. It was also 80 in COLORADO yesterday. So I took my bike for a spin and crashed twice. My knees look like an 8 year olds. With wrinkles!
