Friday, December 17, 2010

A rare insight into dudes

Okay, not really. But I love reading the message boards - granted, most of them are about college basketball (my chosen topic of choice, duh). But there will be an occasional post and ensuing conversation between guys about things like dating, sex, what to have for lunch, favorite R&B group, and a recent topical one that made me giggle out loud: 50+ posts on "The 5 Worst Christmas Songs EVER." Guys are funny. And reading these things makes me feel like I'm a fly on the locker room wall. Because you KNOW they don't just talk about sports (or even sex) in there. There's bound to be a "Dude, should I go to Subway for lunch?" conversation going on. Hilarious.


  1. luckily enough, this is now out on the market...

    The Manslater

