Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Where's Dwight Schrute when you really need him?

While relaying the intimate details of our office holiday party to my friend Jade (shout-out), she said it sounded like something on "The Office." So true, so true. Aside from the merriment surrounding Diane Esparza, the "party" consisted of a three-hour (!) pot-luck lunch with a holiday CD playing in the background. Except when it was time for the live entertainment, courtesy of a guy who works in the Web Services office, who did some stand-up comedy. The first joke literally started, "I just flew in from Vegas..." (and sadly didn't end with "...and boy are my arms tired!" - because I probably would have laughed at that)

Now, a party's a party, and we did get to go home afterwards. Plus I of course left with the gift that keeps on giving, Diane. But still. A little sad.


  1. There had to have been a hidden camera somewhere. That stuff is made for tv.

  2. Haha seriously. Candid Camera, anyone?
