Tuesday, January 4, 2011

First date of the new year!

Only 4 days into 2011 and we've got ourselves a date, people. Not particularly excited about it, but hey. A date's a date at this point. Although this one seems especially pathetic: a lady who works in my building - who I only know because she stops me in the bathroom to compliment my outfits - is setting me up with her son. I think I said yes because it sounds like something my mother would do to me. (And because what the hell else do I have to do tomorrow night.) He's my age, and a chemist. Which means I can't ask him about work because I will glaze over. Talked to him yesterday, and he was painting his bedroom - props for A. being a home-owner and 2. being handy. Although he doesn't live near me, he kindly agreed to come to my neck of the woods. I told him Knox-Henderson was close and full of possibilities, and he brightened, acknowledging the Barley House and Cuba Libre. With a heavy heart I had to tell him that both of those establishments had either closed or moved. (How long has it been since he has been down there?!) But we came up with a plan, and armed with my new year's motto of "what the hell," let's DO this. You never know - maybe there will be some chemistry. He IS a chemist, after all.


  1. love. it.
    does he know all of the goins-on will be posted here the day after?

  2. oh i can't wait. i'm glued to my monitor.

  3. You could ask him if you can see the painting of his bedroom. Maybe he'll do one of you! :0) (Sorry, I've been at work since 5 a.m. Delete,mom)

  4. Um, he was painting his bedroom WALLS.

  5. UPDATE: HE CANCELLED. 2011: 1, Sarah, 0.
