Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Ignorance is bliss

So I joined the NextDoor app when I moved into my house, in order to be "in the know" with what was going on in my neighborhood. (And considering how many of my neighbors are elderly, it's amazing how many people are on this app! Who knew??)

However, some days I learn too much about what's going on in my neighborhood. I even think I would rather not know. One recent morning I woke up to the following posts:

"Large coyote spotted in the church parking lot!"
"I accosted a man trying to steal my car"
"Pitbull on the loose"

And yes, I do ask myself where have I moved, but part of me thinks if I had been on this app living in Uptown, there would have been similar posts. I was just living in ignorant bliss. And it was glorious.

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