Thursday, July 7, 2011


Have encountered a couple of real characters in the gym at my building. One guy who I assume has Tourette's (not that there's anything wrong with that) sniffs and coughs and honestly snorts like a pig. It's a little gross, but the guy can't help it. Does make you wonder about his romantic life, though - although I don't snort (much) and can't get a date if you paid me, so who am I to judge. Hell - he probably has a wife and kids. Who think piggy noises are awesome.

Then there's this girl who is a heavy breather. Not unlike mouth breathers, she huffs and puffs her way through her workout like she's having a heart attack. And she's probably younger than I am.

Certainly keeps things interesting and makes the monotony of the elliptical a little more bearable. Breathe on, you two. In whatever weirdo ways you must. Breathe on.

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