Monday, September 19, 2011

Yay me.

This marks my 800th blog post. Who knew I had so much crap to say?! (And also, who knew there would be a random yet totally appropriate image out there just for this occasion?!)

I should probably wait and celebrate my awesomeness at the 1,000th post, but hell - that will be like a year from now. And I'm feeling awesome TODAY, dammit.

Although it's really not all that impressive - this is truly the Seinfeld of blogs. A blog about nothing. (And yes, watching twice-daily Seinfeld reruns this month has brought it back into the forefront.) But, like Seinfeld, I hope to someday leave my mark on society. And when I hear someone, somewhere say "amazeballs," I know I've done something. Not something good, mind you - just...something.

So here's to 800 more! (Okay, who are we kidding. This will have to stop eventually.)

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