Monday, November 16, 2015

Wiener Schnitzel and other learnings

It's finally coming together for me! The "wiener" in wiener schnitzel refers to Vienna, not to hot dogs! (I know, duh. But I've never had it, so really no clue what's in it.) I figured it out because "wien" is the Austrian word for Vienna, and the operahouse was named Wiener Staatsoper.BOOM.

Another a-ha moment came on the train yesterday. Most announcements on all transportation (buses, trains, planes) are in German, and they seem much longer and more informative than the abbreviated English version they throw in. So who knows what other helpful hints the Austrians are getting - you're on your own, Americans!

Yesterday's announcement made me think the conductor was having a stroke: "v-v-v-punct-oh-beh-beh-punct-at." But then I realized she was referring people to the official train website, ("at" is for Austria). It's the v for w (and vice versa) that gets me. Wery veird, amiright.

Also, I've noticed that people here say "d'schoen" which is apparently short for "danke schoen" (thank you very much). I feel very hip and cool for saying it back, which immediately makes me neither hip nor cool.

That's a wrap, Europe! If the travel gods are with me, I will be back in the USA tomorrow. So ready to see my dog - I have almost gone up to three dogs on the street today just to get a lick in the face. But restrained myself.


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