Monday, August 22, 2011

So dunzo

With the whole Kim Kardashian wedding hoopla. And it really IS a hoopla. From the 6-foot wedding cake modeled after Will and Kate's, to her bridesmaids wearing white a la Pippa, who does this chick think she is - royalty? Um, you are famous for a sex tape, my dear.

And why didn't they have to pay for ANYTHING. Three free Vera Wang wedding dresses?? Yo, Vera. I'll wear a different one every hour on the hour if you want to give them to me gratis...

Yes, I bitch and moan. But yes, I will be watching the wedding special on E!. They've managed to suck me again yet again. Krap.

1 comment:

  1. you really should be writing a column somewhere. hilarity.
