Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Bachelorette. Why bother.

Wow this season sucks. Ashley continues to come off looking so freaking pathetic - I was almost hoping Chris Harrison would slap some sense into her when she was still waxing poetic about Bentley, a.k.a. He Who Shall Apparently Be Named in Every Episode. Loved when she asked Chris if her feelings were normal and he was like, "No." Chris Harrison FTW.

The whole martial arts fight group date was awful as well. There have been so many bad idea jeans segments this year - the roast, and now punching each other until someone gets a concussion. Poor Ames - he's a lover, not a fighter. Or at least a studier, not a fighter.

William sucked more and more after his epic fail at the roast - sad that he was my favorite at the beginning. Might give you an idea about the kind of guys I pick and why I am ultimately single.
I DID like how overly dramatic he was when he got the boot, though. Almost a little suicidal. Should make for a fun Men Tell All. And the burning of the rose that wasn't given away? Like the burning of the mask - a little too much, ABC. You're reaching a bit.
And I still can't really tell Constantine and Ben "Afff" apart, but who cares.

Plus the whole Thailand location just gives me a Hangover 2 vibe and I keep hoping a smoking and Skyping monkey will show up to make this show watchable. Sadly, no monkeys in sight. Aside from Ames.

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