Friday, April 30, 2010

The Skinny Arm

As an avid reader - of US Weekly and In Touch - I have learned a bit about how celebs look their best on the red carpet. And it's two simple words: skinny arm. You've all seen it - creating space between your arm and your body so it's not flat against your chest like a sausage. (I'm of course speaking about my own experiences only.)

I've been doing the skinny arm pose for about a year now (and yes, the photos look dumb but MAN does my arm look skinny), and I love that my friends are catching on. (See above for proof.) Now in every photo we all have one hand on our hip like we're posing at a car show or something. VIVA le skinny arm. Cheapest diet around. (Until I figure out how to use Photoshop.)


  1. What if everybody tries to be extra skinny and do both arms? Good-bye to group photos...

  2. I've been doing this for a couple years now...not even knowing it was a red carpet trend! I did it for that "skinny arm" reason, and also because I've found that it prevents me from slouching my shoulders. :o)

    Then, theres also the one knee popped, hip cocked - to help reduce visible cellulite on my thigh thats toward the camera...
