Wednesday, April 28, 2010

This is going to sound super petty. But it's my blog. So there.

This is my dad's Wikipedia page:

It's all fine and good. But may I direct your attention to the Family section. It has a lovely sentence listing all of the kids (which my brother Cole added, btw), and then a new sentence with updates on the Florida kids. One of whom is not ACTUALLY related to my dad.

My beef: I want my own "update" sentence, dammit! Of course, Cole and I were talking about it and wondering how pathetic our updates would be:

"Eldest son Cole is still attending Austin Community College and working at Kinko's. Daughter Sarah is single in Dallas. Interested? Email her HERE."

Hmmm. Might actually produce a date or two. No more than that.

Okay, enough of being petty. Not enough TOM Petty, though.

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