Friday, August 6, 2010

Ouch, random maitre d', ouch

Went to meet my old boss for a drink last night (not Art Institute, legal team!! UTD!!), and I got there first. I grabbed a spot at the bar, but told the maitre d' I was waiting for someone. He came back a minute later and said, "Are you waiting for a woman? Because one just went to the bathroom..." Okay, he was right - I WAS waiting for a woman - but what about me screams "there's no way I'm here waiting for a GUY..." Oof. And to top it off, the area was dry and I had to apply for a damn Unicard. Haven't seen one of those since my days at Chili's. Heh.

But I'll show him (random maitre d'): TWO dates this weekend! Although I haven't heard from the second one in a while. least ONE date this weekend! I'm sure I'll pull a Brad Paisley and be "Waiting on a Woman" again in no time. :)

1 comment:

  1. I'm going to need more details on these dates, miss thang.
