Thursday, June 24, 2010

10 hours of tennis? No thanks

OMG that Wimbledon match was/is insane! I think I would've thrown in the purple and green towel (which I still have - hee) around the 12-13 mark. But 59-59? Um. No. (Or "Non" for the Frenchman.)

C'mon, Isner. Pull it together, man. Of course, if he DOES win, does that mean he has to play again tomorrow? His body needs like a week to recover. Sure makes my two-hour workouts seem pretty paltry in comparison.

And did they only take ONE pee break? WTH. I guess they were sweating so much they didn't need to go. Ew. And yikes.


  1. I have a long list of things I would need to stop and do during a 10 hour match (besides nap): cut my hangnails, check my text messages, use my mentholatum, switch from contacts to glasses, put on my sweats (well I guess they could do that). But yes, now the press is calling them the young warriors.

  2. And now he just lost the shortest match thus far at Wimbledon, winning just 5 games in the second round loss to some un-ranked player. Poor tired li'l pup.
