Tuesday, June 29, 2010

I do. Not.

That's right, folks! I'm at it again!
Boyfriends: 0.
Dates on the horizon: 0.
And yet...
Times I've gone to bridal salons to try on dresses: 1! And going for round 2 on Thursday!

Ah, my life rules.

My mom was saddened to miss it the first time, and since we both know this might be the only time she sees me in a wedding dress, she's booked me an appointment in Denver on Thursday. Our poor poor consultant Francoise has no idea what she (he?)'s in for. (And no idea that the whole thing is a sham a lam a ding dong.)

Fake wedding date? Check.
CZ ring? Check.
Faux fiance's name? Check.
Single for life once this story leaks to all the guys I know? Check MATE.


  1. You better at least post a pic of you in the WINNER. And I mean veil and all.

  2. Haha I told my mom to be prepared to buy one if I start crying. She was not amused.

  3. So spill the beans, what is the name of the lucky faux boyfriend? inquiring minds want to know.

  4. Jake Ryan. Here's hoping Francoise hasn't seen Sixteen Candles in a while.
