Monday, June 28, 2010

The funniest Facebook post I have ever seen.

Yesterday, my sorority sister Ruth (who is a doctor) was apparently trying to explain being mooned by a man because she had to postpone his surgery. Which in and of itself is hilarious. But when he mooned her, his puss-filled tumor came into full view. Not so funny. But oh, the way she wrote it...

"Got mooned by a patient today when I had to postpone his surgery. His 6-inch pussy, sacral tumor came into full view..." at which point I stopped reading in sheer horror. NO SHE DIDN'T. So I went back and read it again. And once more. Finally realizing what she meant, I couldn't stop laughing. Needless to say, she got a bunch of confused/hilarious comments after that.



  1. That was the funniest thing I saw yesterday. I was SO confused at first.

    I love your blog, btw. :)

  2. Thanks! I wish YOU would write one...

  3. Uh... I do. (It should show up in my blogger profile. If not, there's a link on my FB info page.)

  4. i didn't get it. someone please email me and explain. unless this person is getting a sex change.
